Hi all. I am still alive and nearly well. I have managed to put my lower back into spasm therefore not allowing me to bend over. I guess this means that unpacking boxes is out of the question for a while. That really sucks since the garage is still full and we are missing stuff inside the house… hmm… wonder what’s in those boxes marked Christmas Decorations :-) My parents taught me that letting other people do the work is for lazy people so it is hard for me to sit here and watch those boxes collect dust – damn them and their values!
For my San Antonio friends, we are planning to be there December 1-8. I may hit some of you for (
and you know who you are) for some baby items so that I don’t have to cart them around the country. The base hotel is supposed to provide some stuff but there is no guarantee. Having to check my make up invades the space I would normally use for the baby
crap stuff.
Here is the little hat in Baby Cashmerino.

Yarn: Baby Cashmerino in a blue.
Needles: Size 3 DPN’s. This is what the pattern called for but I wish I had done it in smaller needles. Working in Moss Stitch gave me a little different gauge.
Pattern: Moss Stitch Hat from
Debbie Bliss’ Baby CashmerinoNote: The hat is cute but the pattern
sucked needed a little work. First, the pattern is for a 0-6 months size. That means that the hat is going to be large on a newborn since their heads are smaller than a 6 month old unless they have a pumpkin head like my husband. Second, the whole thing was done in Moss Stitch, including the cables. I changed it so the cables were in SS instead because a Moss Stitch cable looked stupid. Third, the pattern says to make the I-cord point by picking up stitches on the BO portion of the top. Um, ever tried to pick up stitches on something so small? So, I just made the I-cord from the few stitches left on the needle and then tacked it down on one side. It isn’t like the hat is going to be outside playing King of the Mountain or anything.
I am working on selling some of our household crap on Ebay. I needed to face reality that I would never wear those suits again. Even if I do go back to work, it isn’t likely that I will fit into that size 4 pant! Not to mention I have an entire closet full of stuff we don’t use and I refuse to unpack again in three years.
We have come across some legal issues with the adoption. We have a conference call today with all of the attorneys. Keep us in your prayers as we work through them. It is just frustrating stuff that keeps adding on to our legal bills and eating up our life savings. The San Antonio house is a giant monkey on our backs. In some ways it is good to still have that address in order to maintain our legal residency there but at the same time that mortgage is going to put us over the edge. Wait, if I start skipping meals to save money maybe I will fit into those size 4 pants again…hmmm…