World's Worst Knitter
A while back Susan called herself the “World’s Worst Knitter”. Well, I am challenging her for that title. The other day I washed and blocked the baby sweater. This morning I went to check on things so that I could take the sweater with me to buy buttons and well...something was awry. Several rows of the red had started to bleed. It wasn’t like this on Sunday or Monday or even Tuesday-just today! It is mostly around the seams, sleeves and front. The back was fine. It is the strangest thing! So, I threw it into the wash with a color catcher (which I neglected to do the first time). It came out with the same little bleed and the color catcher was perfectly white. ARGH!
And, do you see these little cuties? Well, I had better hope that my child has one foot shorter and more fat that the other ‘cause that is the only way these socks are going to fit. I screwed up the ribbing on one round and it has caused the cuff to not pull in like the other. How I came up short is anyone’s guess. Oh well, he will likely only get to wear them once anyway.
The title of this post was supposed to be "Where's Waldo". The other day DH asked why I was knitting a Waldo shirt. After rolling my eyes around about a dozen times I informed him that the sweater is in Red Sox colors and not WALDO! M--E--N!
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