This is Big Boy using our new
vacuum. You have to love a man willing to do domestic chores! Not sure why he put on his sunglasses though...
A few have asked what my plans are for the Lady Eleanor. Well, I have hashed this out for nearly a year. I think I have finally settled on
Baby Silk from
Elann, and then just make the adjustments to get the Lady big enough. Now I am going around on colors. I have 10 skeins of the
Parchment and initially thought I would use
Black. Now, I think I might use
Sapphire instead. I also have some Purple on hand and may try a swatch to see how it looks. I tried a swatch of the
Oxblood and
Parchment but didn’t like it; I much prefer the
Sapphire and
Parchment instead. However, I’m not sure I am crazy about alternating the rows of color – for one, it is hard to carry the yarn with this pattern. So, I think I may do the shawl in
Sapphire or
Black and then do a line of
Parchment up the middle. Here is the other thing – working on the size 3 Bamboo needles was really hard. My hands cramped a bunch. I have ordered a pair of
size 3 needles from Knit Picks (but their shipping is so slow I could have the shawl done by then!) to use or I may try doubling it and using a larger needle. I’ve considered other yarns but this stuff is so soft and at $2.50 a skein, I can’t find anything else I love for the price. Initially I wanted to use a variegated yarn but I either could not find a color I liked or the price was too high or the yarn too itchy (a lo t of people use
Silk Garden but it is still too itchy for me and it would still be a $90 shawl!). The stocking for Piglet was going to be done in Baby Silk but I have since ordered this
yarn from Knit Picks that I think will hold up better when stuffed to the gills.
I am well on my way to 100 miles! We have walked every day since Wednesday. Piglet and I headed to the trails since the weather was so great. You might be asking how I got in 2/10 of a mile. Well, we started out using the Snuggli but after 1/10 I realized this was a horrible idea. First, getting him into while alone was, um, quite difficult. Then, I couldn’t get it adjusted well and found myself walking sort of hunched over. He couldn’t get his face in the right position so his nose was pressed against me making him breathe like a 400-pound man. Since I have an issue with muscle spasms in my back I decided we would all be more comfortable in the stroller. Our stroller wasn’t quite built for this use – I have long legs and found myself tripping on the wheels. I tried to run but the stroller weaved a bunch. A passerby probably thought I was drunk. But, nonetheless we trekked on. Big Boy has agreed to look at jog strollers and I think we may hit up the in-laws when they visit next week. It was great to be outside!
Friday was spent waiting in line at Social Security so that we could get Piglet a number and finally make him start earning his keep. Social Security is a scary place. I went back and forth between wondering if I would have to give CPR to someone and worrying I would get jacked in the parking lot. An hour and a half later they nearly sent me away for more documents because the girl at the window didn’t bother to read the whole adoption decree. Stupid me forgot to take something to read. To top it off, I had to pee the whole time and refused to go because A) I was afraid they would call my number and B) I saw who else went into the bathroom. The woman next to me informed her daughter that the reason Piglet was snoring was because he was wearing too many clothes what with his short-sleeved t-shirt and jeans. Um, she might want to do some reading on that subject! Then there were the lazy assed young men who refused to give up their seat for an elderly person or a woman with a small child. I am all for Women’s Liberation but I think someone should revive chivalry. I would have suggested it to the young men but I was afraid of getting shot in the parking lot, especially when the young man next to me started telling his mother that he could tell the guard’s gun was unloaded. I was very glad I left the jewelry at home!