I love quotes. I am starting my Friday Quote of the Day today. Actually, this one is from yesterday but still thought provoking..."The intelligent man is one who has successfully fulfilled many accomplishments, and is yet willing to learn more." Ed Parker. It reminds me of a former boss - he had accomplished much in his life and yet he still had a quest for learning. I loved doing research for him He would see a sign and wonder what it meant or what the business did and he would have me research it for him. I learned a lot from him. He never treated people badly - he didn't believe in talking down to anyone despite their status in life in comparison to his. I probably would have stayed longer if the two assistants over me had been more like him!
The Olympics are nearly over - YEAH! I am so tired of making bears. Remind me of this in two years when the summer games start. Here is a photo of the bear family...
They turned out pretty cute, I think. Much better than the first one I completed :-) The other night I started on a hat for SOS kid No. 3. It will match a sweater I finished last month (but still haven't sent). LOL! Anyway, I was working on it at lunch the other day and somehow screwed up. I figured out where I had messed and fixed it in the row. Well, turns out I had actually made the boo-boo somewhere back a few rows. Either that or I hadn't screwed up at all and the fix was really the screw up. Didya get that? So, I had to frog last night and start over. This yarn is really designed for a size 9 needle but I am using 7 so that it will have a tighter stitch and be a little warmer. After all, they do live in the frozen tundra otherwise known as Maine. Mrs. SOS's mom emailed yesterday and asked if I missed the snow. Didn't even have to think about that one - yesterday I went to lunch and thought it was a little chilly out - IT WAS 75.
We are having rain AGAIN! Actually, it is just dreary. I hope the rain holds off until after dinner. We are heading to Ruth's Chris for our anniversary dinner and I don't want to be sopping wet. This is what a rainy day brings to our household...


Pretty good life, doncha think? Baxter likes to lay under my chair and keep my feet warm. Annabelle likes to guard the front windows from intruders, stray dogs and butterflies. Calvin likes to be outside enjoying the cool weather.